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Book NowWhat is a Chemical Pregnancy?
Being pregnant and getting your period a few days later can be confusing and extremely disappointing. If this happens to you, you may have gone through a chemical pregnancy. Though this is a common occurrence, it can still be devastating, especially if you have struggled with infertility for some time. Many women who have a chemical pregnancy may not even realize that they were pregnant in the first place. Let’s look at how chemical pregnancies happen and what they mean for you.
Key Takeaways
- Chemical pregnancies are pregnancies where a miscarriage occurs before the pregnancy appears on an ultrasound, typically at or before five weeks of gestation.
- The causes of a chemical pregnancy can be hard to pinpoint, and the exact cause of any specific case is rarely ever discovered.
- While there are typically few physical side effects of a chemical pregnancy, the psychological effects can be severe and may require counseling to navigate their feelings about the miscarriage.
What Is a Chemical Pregnancy?
A chemical pregnancy or biochemical pregnancy, is a type of miscarriage that occurs very early, usually within five weeks after implantation. This pregnancy loss makes up for most losses occurring before 20 weeks of gestation.
Chemical pregnancies happen before the pregnancy can be seen on an ultrasound, which means that many women who have them don’t even realize they are pregnant. During a chemical pregnancy, enough hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a reproductive hormone is produced that results in a positive pregnancy test. The rising levels of hCG in the body (as seen in a urine or blood test) are the best way to tell if one is pregnant before an ultrasound is done. However, in this early pregnancy implantation fails and in many cases, the embryo fails to attach. After a while, the hCG levels ultimately decline. The embryo that doesn’t attach naturally leaves the body during menstruation.
Implantation Bleeding vs. a Chemical Pregnancy
Light spotting or bleeding that happens during pregnancy doesn’t automatically equate to a chemical pregnancy. Some women experience light bleeding during implantation. Nevertheless, any heavy bleeding accompanied by cramps may indicate a miscarriage. Therefore, any form of bleeding when you're aware that you are pregnant should be reported to your doctor.
Why Does a Chemical Pregnancy Happen?
Early pregnancy losses can be caused by chromosomal abnormalities. The egg and sperm have 23 chromosomes each and when combined, contain 46 chromosomes. In a chemical pregnancy:
- The embryo fails to implant properly on the uterine wall.
- The sperm or egg has too many chromosomes or not enough.
- The female partner suffers from untreated thyroid conditions
- The female partner has uterine abnormalities or cervical issues
Signs of Chemical Pregnancy
Since they occur very early, chemical pregnancies can be difficult to diagnose. Some women may not even be aware they had conceived in the first place. Common chemical pregnancy signs include:
- Heavy bleeding
- Intense cramps
- A positive pregnancy test accompanied by a heavy period later
- A positive pregnancy test that tests negative a week later
- A positive pregnancy test without any pregnancy symptoms
- Declining hCG levels
Because chemical pregnancies typically resolve without physical complications, many go unnoticed or unreported.
Chemical Pregnancy Risk Factors
Some women have increased chances of getting a chemical pregnancy. It can be common in people who:
- Have abnormal hormonal levels
- Are suffering from Challenges with uterine fibroids
- Are over the age of 35
- Suffer from endocrine conditions like thyroid disorders, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome
- Uterine abnormalities particularly in the shape or structure of the womb
- Have a sexually transmitted infection
- Are undergoing in vitro fertilization treatments
- An untreated blood-clotting disorder
- Is planning to undergo genetic testing for the embryos
Statistics indicate that chemical pregnancy rates tend to be higher during IVF treatment. For this reason, Ivy Fertility closely monitors its IVF patients and the chance of diagnosing chemical pregnancies will be higher.
Chemical Pregnancies and IVF
The chances of a chemical pregnancy can be higher if you’ve gone through in vitro fertilization (IVF) these miscarriages can occur quite frequently. Thankfully, early pregnancy losses like this one can result in a higher chance of conception in future IVF cycles.
Nonetheless, experiencing a chemical pregnancy after undergoing infertility treatments is certainly disheartening and you may want to completely quit future IVF cycles. This is why it is crucial to talk with your doctor concerning your chances of successful conception and whether another round of IVF is advised.
Can I Prevent a Chemical Pregnancy?
There’s nothing you can do to prevent a chemical pregnancy, especially since the causes are not definitive. Many fertility experts suggest that you can only decrease your risks by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes as well as managing any chronic conditions you have like diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or high blood pressure.
It's important to remember that if you have a chemical pregnancy, it does not necessarily mean that you can’t have a successful and healthy pregnancy. In fact, many people who experience a chemical pregnancy still manage to carry healthy babies to term. Additionally, having a chemical pregnancy doesn’t also mean that you have infertility issues. As already mentioned, chemical pregnancies are quite common and are not a sign of fertility concerns.
Chemical Pregnancy Treatment
There’s no treatment for a chemical pregnancy. In most cases, it happens quite early and it generally resolves naturally. Unless there are some complications, chances are you will physically recover quickly. It is the psychological and emotional healing that may take some time, especially if you are aware of the pregnancy. The sense of grief and loss can be overwhelming for some.
It’s important to know these feelings are normal and everyone deals with loss in their own way, whether you know it or not. This is because a positive pregnancy test creates hopeful thoughts and dreams of what your future child will be. Therefore, if you’re going through fertility treatments or are even trying to conceive naturally, the will be feelings of loss and grief.
Conversely, it’s also okay to not feel upset and whatever your feelings, you might find it helpful to talk to a professional to help you walk you through the process.
Final Thoughts
Chemical pregnancies are very common, accounting for the highest number of miscarriages. They happen earlier in pregnancy and are typically unaccompanied by any physical complications. This is why you should remember that it’s not your fault and there’s nothing you can do to prevent them. To get through the loss, you can go through the grieving process with a licensed therapist.