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What Does Clomid Do for Men?

Many couples face fertility challenges and infertility can be devastating to a couple looking to conceive. Contrary to popular belief, infertility just doesn’t affect women, and in fact, male fertility contributes to over 40% of infertility cases. 

Over the last few years, different reproductive technologies have been designed to help deal with male infertility. One of the main interventions given to males suffering from infertility is Clomid. 

Key Takeaways

  • Clomid is a medication primarily intended for use as an ovulatory stimulant.
  • There are numerous off-label uses for Clomid, including as a treatment for low sperm concentration or poor sperm motility.
  • Clomid is just one of many options available for treating men’s fertility issues - a qualified healthcare professional can assist in determining the appropriate route forward for each individual’s circumstances.

What Is Clomid?

Clomid or clomiphene citrate is an oral medication commonly given to assigned females at birth struggling with infertility. The medication stimulates the ovaries to produce hormones that will trigger ovulation. When given, Clomid is known to result in a 10-12% pregnancy rate per cycle. However, the medication can’t work for women who don’t or can’t ovulate. 

Additionally, Clomid has been found to successfully treat several other conditions, including certain menstrual abnormalities, fibrocystic breasts, and now male infertility. The dosage given varies depending on what it intends to treat. If given an ovulatory stimulant, the medication can produce results in as little as five days.

Why is Clomid Given to Men?

While Clomid’s primary use is stimulating ovulation, in recent years, it’s been prescribed off-label to treat male infertility. It has been found to increase testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. 

Testosterone, a hormone produced in a male's testicles plays a key role in sperm production in males. It works with luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), to stimulate sperm production. 

In one study, Clomid has been shown to increase sperm concentration and motility, suggesting it could be considered safe for the treatment of infertility in men. When sperm cells are produced, it takes three to four months for them to mature and be ejaculated. Clomid comes before the production by stimulating the hormones which lead to improved sperm concentration and motility. 


The treatment regimen in a male is different than in women. Women are required to take Clomid for five days at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, men are required to take it every day. This is because sperm production is a daily occurrence. The starting dose for a man is usually 25mg of Clomid or half a pill every day.

It sperm 90 to 108 days from production to ejaculation. For this reason, it takes the same amount of time to see results from Clomid. This means that any male taking Clomid shouldn’t stop unless there is no improvement by the fourth month of treatment.

Moreover, a man can over-respond to Clomid by making too much testosterone. Too much testosterone can be counterproductive, decreasing sperm count. Therefore, it’s important to reevaluate the hormone levels a few weeks after taking the drug. If the levels of testosterone are too high, the dosage is reduced to half of a pill every other day.

Side Effects of Clomid

The use of Clomid for male infertility is relatively new and is still being studied. While most men choose to take it off-counter, it’s important to work with a qualified healthcare professional to ensure any potential side effects can be mitigated or avoided.

Before prescribing Clomid to females, healthcare professionals at  Ivy Fertility will conduct a series of tests to test hormonal levels. It is no different with men. The healthcare professional will determine the man’s levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone as a baseline. 

After several weeks of taking Clomid, the healthcare professional will redo the tests to assess whether the hormonal levels are increasing at an appropriate rate. As mentioned, hormonal levels that rise too high can have the opposite of the intended effect and yield less viable sperm in the long term.

Hormonal treatments can have side effects. With Clomid, these side effects can include:

  • Changes in mood or energy level
  • Male pattern baldness 
  • Headaches
  • Enlarged prostate gland
  • Acne
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea

If any of these side effects present themselves during a round of Clomid treatment, consult with your healthcare professional about continued use to avoid complications.

Other Ways to Help With Male Fertility

In the United States, infertility is very common and as many as 9% of men who are trying to conceive will experience difficulties with infertility. Infertility causes are just as varied as the treatment options available and even though Clomid has some positive results, other treatments produce better results when it comes to treating infertility.  

Hormonal Treatments and Medication

There are other hormonal medications besides Clomid available for the treatment of infertility in men. These treatments depend on the cause of infertility. These medications contain the following hormones:

  • Gonadotropins
  • Dopamine agonists
  • Aromatase inhibitors

However, many of these are still considered off-label, and you should always talk to a qualified healthcare professional before starting any hormonal medication.  

Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted reproduction technology (ART) refers to treatments and procedures used to achieve pregnancy. They are a great option for couples or individuals struggling with conception and pregnancy. The most common forms of ART include intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization. Both IVF and IUI involve acquiring a sperm sample either through normal ejaculation or surgical extraction. The sperm is then processed to optimize its viability. Although these forms of treatment can be quite expensive in many cases, they are generally considered to be highly effective for many patients.

Bottom Line

Navigating the complexities of fertility can be a daunting journey filled with uncertainty and emotional challenges. With fertility options like Clomid, couples can have a better chance of creating the families they desire. However, Clomid isn’t FDA-approved as an infertility treatment for men. Usage is usually prescribed off-label for the treatment of male infertility. 

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