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IUI Success Rates

IUI Chances of Success

The journey to conception and childbirth can be difficult for some couples, causing them to look for help through assisted reproductive technologies. One fertility treatment option is intrauterine insemination also known as IUI or artificial insemination. This fertility therapy is a start to assisted reproductive technologies for many. However, its success rate is determined by several factors. Let’s take a look at these factors.

Key Takeaways

  • Intrauterine insemination is the process of inserting prepared sperm directly into the uterus to support a successful pregnancy.
  • The IUI process is less invasive and more affordable than invitro fertilization
  • IUI can be a viable route to a healthy pregnancy for couples or individuals who have struggled with infertility.

What Is IUI And How Does It Work?

Between 7 and 17 percent of couples in the United States struggle with conception and this is backed by a study that looked at fertility treatments and outcomes among couples seeking fertility. Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, is a fertility treatment that has been an option for many couples for hundreds of years. In this process, sperm is cleaned and placed in a female’s uterus. Over the years, the process has evolved to make it easier for couples. 

IUI has become a popular treatment option for couples struggling with infertility and is preferred for its invasiveness and affordability. It can be the best way to improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy when done at the right time.

According to the University of Pennsylvania, IUI can be an effective option for the following individuals:

  • Assigned male at-birth partners (AMAB) with challenges achieving an erection or ejaculation
  • AMAB partners with low sperm count and/or motility
  • Assigned female at-birth partners (AFAB) suffering from cervical issues such as little cervical mucus
  • AFAB partners with scar tissue 
  • Couples looking to use a donor sperm or surrogate to get pregnant

What Happens During an IUI?

The IU process is quick and simple. First, your healthcare professional will conduct tests to check your and your partner’s reproductive health. This will help them know if artificial insemination is the way to go. To start the process, the healthcare professional will prescribe Clomid to stimulate your ovaries. This is because the process must be perfectly timed with ovulation to increase the chances of success. 

The next stage will be to prepare the sperm sample. This could be a partner’s sperm or a donor’s. In this step, the sperm sample then undergoes a process known as a “sperm wash,” which involves removing non-sperm compounds from the semen as well as low-viability sperm, leaving behind only sperm that will most likely yield a successful pregnancy.

Once the sperm is ready, it is inserted into the uterus. Though many are worried that it could be painful, it’s quite the opposite. However, the procedure can be uncomfortable. A speculum is inserted to allow a small catheter to be placed into the uterus, and the sperm sample is injected. There are usually no negative effects of the procedure, although some women report mild cramping and spotting for a day or two after the procedure.

Within two weeks, you will be able to know if the procedure was successful through a pregnancy test. 

What is The Cost of an IUI?

The standard IUI treatment cycle can range from $300 to around $4,000. This cost usually includes the doctor’s consultation, any tests done, monitoring, and a single, non-surgical procedure. Compared to a fertility treatment like IVF the IUI is generally much cheaper. In fact, even if the first round isn’t successful, additional rounds of artificial insemination are still much cheaper than those of IVF. 

If an IUI treatment doesn’t work, your healthcare professional will then recommend moving on to another fertility treatment. If you are unsure about what step to take next, the compassionate healthcare professionals at Ivy Fertility will walk with you and advise you in your family-building journey.

How Successful is IUI?

Different factors can affect the success rate of an IUI treatment. Let’s take a look at some of these factors. 


An IUI has to be perfectly timed with ovulation. To increase ovulation chances, a female will be taken through ovarian stimulation. This treatment promotes ovulation and increases the number of eggs released within an ovulation cycle. 

Ovarian stimulation can be done with medication or injections.  According to a study done in 2021, one of the factors affecting the chances of a successful IUI  is ovarian stimulation, with chances increasing twice as much when drugs like Clomid or similar medications are used rather than relying on the timing of a natural ovulation cycle.


Age has always been a factor when it comes to conception and pregnancy. Studies have shown a connection between successful pregnancy rates and the age of both birthing partners. These studies conclude that there are significantly higher success rates for female patients under the age of 25 and male donors under the age of 30, with a gradual, steady drop-off in success rates as age increases into the mid-to-late 30s.

Endometrial Thickness

When it comes to fertility and treatments, timing is key, and endometrial thickness is key. The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, which is shed during a menstrual cycle, and as each cycle progresses it increases in thickness. A 2021 fertility study found IUI patients whose endometrium had a certain thickness saw statistically significant improvements in pregnancy rates compared to other participants in the study.

Treatment Frequency

It is no secret that the more rounds one does the higher the success rate. In fact, some clinics have claimed that a double IUI can help along the process. A double IUI is a second procedure done during the same ovulation cycle that can increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. 

Nevertheless, this process is still being studied. A review of nine clinical trials found the likelihood of pregnancy following a double IUI cycle increased, but the live birth rate and miscarriage rate did not show significant improvements in the trials reviewed by the study. While double IUI may have some benefits, more research is necessary before any definite conclusions can be drawn.

Bottom Line

IUI is an effective option for couples facing fertility issues or those looking to conceive with donated sperm. This procedure is considered safe, cost-effective, and typically involves minimal discomfort, boasting a strong track record of success for hopeful parents. Nevertheless, as with any significant medical intervention, patients need to collaborate with their healthcare provider to identify the most suitable approach tailored to their specific needs.

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